Search "Schoology,"

CPS - Schoology Introduction

A brief introduction to the district's new Learning Management System, Schoology! (pending board approval)


Getting Started with Schoology

This video goes over the basics of navigating the Schoology platform. (Audio will be redone over the holiday weekend for better quality.)

PowerSchool and Schoology: Get Connected v.2

All Cincinnati Public Schools, all parents/guardians should Get Connected, Stay Engaged and Informed using PowerSchool and Schoology. With PowerSchool, parents have an instant look into their child’s gradebook, and no longer have to wait for report cards to monitor student progress. Using Schoology is like viewing details you would find in your child's binder, such as a list of all courses, assignments, updates from teachers, calendars, send messages to their teachers, and more. Using these applications parents are digitally connected in a format that fits their needs. It’s communication that fits in your pocket – fits your life! My Child’s Education, My Way.
