Search "ex"

Google: Extensions

Learn what and how to utilize Google Extensions. Extensions will usually "extend" your internet - making it easier to do tasks.


Apex Tutorials - Adding Course and Students

How to add a tutorial course to your Apex account.


Apex Tutorial - Checking Student Progress

To see how students are doing within the assigned tutorial - follow the video to find out student progress.


Life Cycle Insert Shapes Text Boxes Format

How to create a Life Cycle of the Butterfly Poster using MS Word

Multiply and simplify a radical expression 1

Multiply and Simply a Radical Expression

Basic probability

An introduction to probability

What I Like Poster

A poster made in Word using Word Art, Text Boxes with Fill, and pictures with Borders.

Connection to Image Express Lite - 2nd step

You are able to connect your laptop to your projector, wirelessly. There are two steps to this process, this is the 2nd step.

Flubaroo: A Google Extension to Aid in Grading

The spreadsheet that is created from a Google Form can be graded instantly. This can be quite the time saver in the classroom. Create a quick entrance/exit ticket, a formative/summative assessment, or many other possibilities. Take a moment to understand how Flubaroo works.

Blackboard Exporting a Class

Learn how to export your class within Blackboard. This will give you the ability to save all of the documents within your class.


Cropping Screenshots

How to insert screenshots into a Word document then crop them as needed.