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ACT Math

ACT Math information


Growing by a percentage

Growing a quantity by a percentage

Converting fractions to decimals

How to express a fraction as a decimal

Introduction to ratios

What a ratio is. Simple ratio problems.

Speed translation

Translating speed units

Simplifying radicals

Using exponent rules to simplify radicals or square roots

Exponent rules part 2

2 more exponent rules with an introduction to composite problems

Exponent rules part 1

Introduction to exponent rules

SAT Math 2

SAT Math 2 information


Basic probability

An introduction to probability

LeBron asks: What are the chances of three free throws versus one three pointer?

LeBron James asks Sal Khan if it is easier to make three free throws or one three-pointer.

Why a negative times a negative makes intuitive sense

Using the repeated addition model of multiplication to think about multiplying negative numbers

Why a negative times a negative is a positive

Why negative number products are defined in the way they are.

Writing proportions

Setting up proportions to solve a word problem

SAT Math 1

SAT Math 1 information


Mixed numbers and improper fractions

Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers