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This is the 5th grade Math demonstration classroom at Rockdale.

Demonstration Classroom Student Testimonials

In 2014, CPS implemented Demonstration Classrooms at six different schools. Students from these classes were given the opportunity to share their stories. Enjoy.


This is the ELA Junior High Demonstration Classroom at Oyler.


This is the Social Studies high school demonstration classroom at Withrow.


This is the 9th grade Algebra co-teaching demonstration class at West High.

John P. Parker_Demonstration

This is the introductory video regarding ELA at John P. Parker Elementary School.


This video is the introductory video for co-teaching at the elementary level in the Demonstration Classroom.

Flipped Types of Credit Video

Flipped Types of Credit Video.

Financial Planning

Financial Planner Jim Robinson speaks about the pros and cons of different types of investing.

Demonstration Video - Student View

Here's what the students have to say about their classrooms.


flipped lesson supply and demand